
Sunday services

Every Sunday at 11 am.

Small groups

The small groups are a place to share life and make friends.

Norkirken Kongsberg

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The prayer hour

Prayer has always been an important part of our work in Norkirken. In 2003, we agreed to have a fixed day a week when we could deal with various prayer topics. Welcome to the prayer hour every Wednesday at 11:00-12:00 noon!

About the prayer hour

When we get together, we share from the Bible and talk a little about what is on our hearts. Then we intercede for each other and pray for others. The prayer topics that are collected in the «prayer box», a box where the congregation puts written prayers, are taken out and distributed among us (there are many prayer requests). The individual prays out loud freely regarding each  prayer topic so that everyone can help carry this request to God.

We can ask for anything that is on our and others’ hearts – so there is no limit here – for instance personal relationships, the congregation(s), country and people, missions, etc. We remember God’s promise that «everyone who asks receives» (Matt 7:8a). We thank God for answers to prayers, because they give us new boldness!

We wish that more people could come and take part in this prayer meeting – even if they can’t imagine praying out loud, they are of course welcome anyway!

You can also come to the prayer hour to receive intercession so that we can collectively bring the request before the Lord. Everything that is submitted and entrusted to us is of course subject to confidentiality.

When we have finished the intercessory prayer, we ask for the Lord’s blessing and conclude. Then we have a cup of coffee/tea and eat breakfast or some biscuits that we brought with us.

Do you feel the calling? Just come! You are also welcome to morning prayer every Thursday at 6:00 in Norkirken.


Michael Tönnis

957 01 903